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Obtaining Closure After Hit-And-Run Accidents

In a hit-and-run accident, the negligent driver often has something to hide. He or she may have been drinking, caused a serious injury or even caused a fatal accident.

At The Law Offices of Bailey & Burke, we have experience investigating hit-and-run accidents. We are skilled at helping clients secure compensation for their injuries through personal injury litigation or through insurance if the driver is never found.

For more than 40 years, our lawyers have built a record of success handling auto accidents. For a free initial consultation to discuss your hit-and-run accident, contact a Worcester attorney at The Law Offices of Bailey & Burke today.

Drunk Driving And OUIs

A drunk driver may try to evade capture and arrest by fleeing the scene of an accident. If he or she is caught, you may have claims against multiple parties. In some cases, it may be possible to hold the drinking establishment liable for your accident. Known as dram shop liability, a bar or restaurant that serves alcohol to an intoxicated person can be held accountable for an accident caused by that person through a personal injury lawsuit. We can help you investigate the cause of your accident and pursue compensation from all responsible parties.

What If You Never Find The Driver Who Caused Your Car Crash?

In cases where the hit-and-run driver is never found, you may still be able to seek compensation under your own insurance policy. If you have uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist coverage, you may be entitled to medical expenses after a motor vehicle accident with an unknown driver. Likewise, if you were a pedestrian injured in a hit-and-run auto accident, you may be covered under the policy of another member of your household.

As experienced car accident attorneys, we have an in-depth understanding of the options available to victims of hit-and-run accidents. We will work to get you the compensation you need for your recovery. If you lost a loved one in a fatal accident, we can help you pursue justice through a wrongful death case.

Contact A Car Accident Attorney Serving Marlborough

Whether you have suffered a brain injury or another serious injury, we have the knowledge and skill to help you after a hit-and-run accident. For a free consultation, contact a Massachusetts car crash lawyer at The Law Offices of Bailey & Burke today at 978-706-6618​.